Advice Question The current interview question is displayed here. You cannot edit the question from this screen. Advice Offers suggestions for answering this question or gives an example of a good answer. This information is helpful when you are preparing your responses. Notes You may type notes into this box for future reference. These notes are typically used to remind you of key points to use in answering the displayed question. Press ESC to exit help Tag Table Help This screen is used to display and quickly locate questions. You may use the arrow keys or type an ID number to high- light a question. To change a record, first highlight it, then press the Enter key. To add a record, press the Ins key. The "Advice" and "Notes" boxes are automatically updated as you scroll through the questions. This allows you to easily view the information that is attached to each record. indicates that this question is tagged for use in a Special Drill. You can pick questions and actually design your own interview. The following keys may be used: Grey Plus + Tag the highlighted question Grey Minus - Untag the highlighted question Grey Asterisk * Flip from tagged to untagged or visa versa Alt-T Tag all of the questions (global tag) Alt-U Untag all of the questions (global untag) Alt-F Flip all of the questions (global flip) To begin a drill, Esc to the menu, then select Special Drill. Press ESC to exit Help Question Form This is a list of question topics. To select a topic, point with the arrow keys and press Enter. Current question. You may modify this question but if you do, be sure to update the advice lines. Offers suggestions for answering the displayed question or gives an example of a good answer. You may type notes into this box for future reference. These notes are typically used to remind you of key points to use in answering the displayed question. Press ESC to exit help Menu Help Quick Start Describes the basic steps required to begin a realistic simulated job interview. Begin Interview Starts the main job interview simulator which displays questions one at a time, automatically resets and displays elapsed time, offers advice when asked, and allows you to attach reminder notes to each question. Tag Questions Selects or "Tags" questions for use in a customized interview called a "Special Drill." You may also view, add, or change the questions, advice text, and your reminder notes. Special Drill Creates a customized interview using the questions you selected with the "Tag Questions" option. The "Special Drill" simulator is similar to the "Begin Interview" simulator, but displays only "tagged" questions. Print Questions Prints a report containing all of the interview questions and advice text. This report is useful when practicing in front of a mirror or video camera. Press ESC to exit help MQMFE MQMHUI MQMUP M_